Active Voice to Passive Voice English Grammar topic Explanation in Telugu

Active Voice to Passive Voice English Grammar topic Explanation in Telugu

Active Voice to Passive Voice English Grammar topic Explanation in Telugu

Competitive exams లో major role play చేస్తున్న topic Active voice and passive voice.ఈ రోజు దీని గురించి తెలుసుకుందాం.

ఈ Active voice and passive voice ని solve చేయాలి అంటే మనకు eight tenses తెలిసి ఉండాలి.

8 Tenses:

  1. Simple past
  2. simple present
  3. Simple future
  4. Present continuous
  5. past continuous
  6.  present perfect
  7. past perfect
  8. future perfect


ఈ eight tenses యొక్క helping verbs.:

          Active voice  passive voice

  1. Do/does+V1 =Am/is/are+V3(simple present)
  2. Did+V2 =Was /were+V3(simple past)
  3. Will /shall+V1 = will be /shall be+V3(simple future)
  4. Am /is /are+V4  =Am /is /are+ being+V3(present continuous)  {V4=V1+ing form}
  5. Was /were+V4. = Was /were+being+V3(past continuous)
  6. Have /has+V3.= Have /has+been+V3(present perfect)
  7. Had+V3. =Had been+V3(past perfect)
  8. Will have/shall have+V3=Will have/shall have+been+V3(future perfect)

ఈ అన్ని forms కు చివర V3 వుంటుంది.వీటిని “by” తో రాయాలి.

Main points: 

Active voice = passive voice

  • Subject= object అవుతుంది 
  • Helping verb= Helping verb
  • Main verb= main verb (V3) అవుతుంది 
  • Main verb  =main verb తర్వాత By రాయాలి
  • Object= subject అవుతుంది 
  • 2nd object(additional words)=2nd  object(additional words) last లో రాయాలి.



Simple present:

  1.  Everyone like good manners( Active voice)

          Good manners are liked by everyone.( Passive voice)


          like=verb, like in V3 form liked

          Object=good manners


    2.  India produces a great deal of milk( Active voice)

         A great deal of milk is  produced by India.( Passive voice)

            Subject= India

            produces=verb, like in V3 form produced

            Object=a great deal of milk


       Simple past:

  1. The lazy boy carried two bags( Active voice)

          Two bags were carried by the lazy boy.( Passive voice)

           Object=two bags

          Subject= The lazy boy

          carried=verb, like in V3 form carried


       2. The manager sent a letter(  Active voice)

           A letter was sent by the manager.( Passive voice)

           Object=a letter

           Subject= The manager

           sent=verb, like in V3 form sent


       Simple future:

  1. God will help you(  Active voice)

          you will be helped by God( Passive voice)

          Subject: god

          Object: you

           help=verb, like in V3 form helped


      2. They will make all the arrangements( Active voice)

          All the arrangements will be made by them.( Passive voice)

           Subject: They

           Object: all the arrangements

           make=verb, like in V3 form made



For more grammar topics check below:

For Simple present grammar topic  click here :Simple present part 1 

For Simple present grammar topic  click here :Simple present part 2

For Present continuous topic  click here :Present continuous

For Present Perfect Tense topic  click here: Present Perfect

For Present Perfect continuous Tense topic  click here: Present Perfect continuous

For Past Tense topic  click here: Past Tense

For Future Tense topic  click here: Future Tense

For Direct and Indirect speech grammar lesson please click here: Direct and Indirect speech

For Spoken English Class with As far as, as long as ,as much as, as well as, as soon as, as adjective as through Telugu please click here: As far, long, much, well, soon, adjective as

For Daily used sentence:

50 Daily Used Sentences in English through Telugu Part-1

60 Daily Used Sentences in English through Telugu Part-2

60 Daily Used Important Sentences in English through Telugu Part-3

Daily Used Important Sentences in English through Telugu Part-4

30 Daily Used Important Sentences in English through Telugu Part-5

Learn daily Used Sentences in English through Telugu Part-6

40 Daily Used Important Sentences in English through Telugu Part-7

45 Daily Used Sentences in English through Telugu Part-8

25 Daily Used Sentences in English through Telugu Part-9

30 Daily Used Sentences in English through Telugu Part-10

40 Daily Used Sentences in English through Telugu Part-11

Useful English vocabulary through Telugu Part-12

Important English Vocabulary learn through Telugu Part-13

Learn Some Important English Vocabulary Through Telugu Part-14



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